Utility Service Provider

Bakhrabad Gas

The company started its function since 7 June 1980 in the name of Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited (BGSL) as a model company in the gas sector with the responsibilities of gas production, transmission and distribution. Later on, the production activities of the Company including Bakhrabad Gas Field was handed over to Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL) on 31 May 1989 under a reorganizing plan of the Companies under Petrobangla. On the other hand, according to the govemment decision, the Bakhrabad- Demra and the Bakhrabad-Chittagong Transmission Pipelines of the company were handed over to Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) on 2 September 2004 and 18 October 2004 respectively. As a result, the activities of the company became confined to gas distribution & marketing only.  Subsequently, two new companies namely "Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited" (KGDCL) comprising of erstwhile BGSL's greater Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts franchise area and "Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited" (original company) comprising of greater Noakhali. Comilla, Chandpur and TGTDCL's Brahmanbaria District were formed by reforming Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) and Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited (BGSL). Until June 30, 2018, 67.46 kilometer Transmission line, 235.20 kilometer letterrel pipeline and 3587.76 kilometer distributed service line were constructed by the company.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)


  • To be engaged in implementing the development program of the government in the power sector;
  • To adopt modern technology and ensure optimum utilization of the primary and alternative source of fuel for sustainable development of power generation projects;
  • To purchase power as a Single Buyer from power producers;
  • To provide reliable power supply to customers enabling socio economic development;
  • To promote a work culture, team spirit and inventiveness to overcome challenges;
  • To promote ideas, talent and value systems for employees.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL)

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Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)

Chattogram Water Supply  & Sewerage  authority(CWASA) established in 1963 under EP ordinance no. XIX, 1963 with the following specific objectives:

  • Construction, improvement, expansion, operation and maintenance of necessary infrastructure for water supply in Chattogram metropolitan area for domestic, industrial and commercial purpose.
  • Construction, operation and maintenance of sewerage system in Chattogram metropolitan area
  • Construction, operation and maintenance of drainage facilities to carry rain, flood and surface water.
  • Solid waste management.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO)

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC)

Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) is one of the largest power distribution companies in Bangladesh. Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) had been incorporated on 25th October, 2005 under the Companies Act 1994 with an authorized share capital of Tk. 10,000 (ten thousand) crore divided into 100 (one hundred) crore ordinary share of Tk. 100 each.

The company was granted permission to commence business from 25th October, 2005 and started its function from 14th May 2007. Company started its commercial operation on 1st July of 2008 by taking over all assets and liabilities from the then DESA . While the company started its operation the number of customers were 6,55,908, now we have around 12,98,125 (on August, 2019) .

The Board of Directors is the ultimate authority for the overall management of the company within the framework of the prevailing law. The Board comprises 12 (twelve) directors nominated by the Government. Under the guidance of the Board of Directors, DPDC’s strategic functions are run by a management team headed by the Managing Director and 5 (five) executive directors, i.e. Executive Director (Tech.), Operation, Executive Director (Tech.), Engineering, Executive Director (Tech./ICT), ICT & Procurement, Executive Director (Finance) and Executive Director (Admin. & HR).

CORPORATE MOTTO: Dependable Power - Delighted Customer.


  • Quality power supply to all customers'.
  • Quickest response to customers' need.
  • Initiatives to match the changing needs of the customers.
  • Digitalization of Distribution System.


  • For the customers: Rendering reliable and uninterrupted power supply with customers care.
  • For the owner and shareholders: Financial sustainability of the Company.
  • For the society: Strengthening the social values and undertake corporate social responsibility.
  • For the nation: Taking all out effort to achieve national growth and economic prosperity.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA)

Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) is a service oriented autonomous commercial organization in the Public sector, entrusted with the responsibility of providing water supply, sewerage disposal (wastewater), and storm water drainage services to the urban dwellers of the fast-growing metropolitan Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It covers more than 360 sq. km service area with 12.5 million people with a production of almost 2110 million liters per day (MLD). Dhaka WASA faces a number of challenges. These include unplanned city development and informal settlements, transitioning to using surface water instead of groundwater, and large investment funding. But Dhaka WASA has a number of notable achievements including significant increase in water production and productivity, improved service quality, increased revenue, reduction of non-revenue water, and provision of water supply at low cost.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Jalalabad Gas

With the completion of Hobigonj Tea Valley Project, a Program on Sylhet Town Gas Supply Project was initiated by Petrobangla. On merging of the said two projects in 1977, formal gas distribution on Sylhet town was started in 1978. With the implementation of Sylhet Tea Estate Gas Supply Project-1, Sunamgonj Town Gas Supply Project, Kailashtilla-Chhatak Pipeline Project and Chhatak Town Gas Supply Project, the Gas Supply network recorded a significant expansion in the region.

To meet the growing demand, Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution System Limited was paper writer help formed on December 1, 1986 under the company Act with an authorized capital of Tk.150 crores. The objective was to help developing the socio-economic condition of the people of Sylhet region.

The Company has been playing an important role since its inception in reducing dependency on imported fuel, saving of foreign currency and maintenance of ecological balance through construction of pipeline, installation and maintenance of related facilities to ensure uninterrupted transmission and distribution of gas throughout the franchise area.

Strategic objectives of JGTDSL:
  1. To ensure energy security.
  2. To increase dues gas bill collection and to reduce the average equivalent sale of arrears of the arrears.
  3. Gas connection (Power, Industry, Captive, CNG, Tea-Estate).
  4. Gas connection tearing.
  5. Pipeline construction/installation/harmonization.
  6. Human resource development.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Karnaphuli Gas

The history of the use of Natural Gas as a source of energy and feed-stock in Bangladesh dates back to early sixty’s. Haripur Gas Field, discovered in Sylhet district in the year 1955, came into commercial production in 1961 with the supply of gas to Natural Gas Fertilizer Factory (NGFL) at Fenchuganj by 28 miles 8” DN pipeline. The Chatak Gas Field, discovered in 1959 was brought into commercial production with commencement of gas supply to Chatak Cement Factory in 1960 12 miles long transmission pipeline.

In December 1971, after nine months of liberation war, Bangladesh emerged in the world map as a new independent state with the same geographical boundary of the then East Pakistan. Plunged into a state of total economic collapse following the war of liberation, vigorous activities were immediately started at all levels to rebuild the country. Certain national priorities were set by the then Govt. and significant changes were brought about in the management of development activities. A no. of Sector or Corporations were formed and each of them was entrusted with the operation and management of the units under it. In March 26, 1972 Govt. has formed “Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (BOGMC)” under the Presidential Executive Order.

After Arab Israil war in 1973 a serious energy crisis prevailed around the world. In this respect at that time a plan was taken for growth of a vibrant industrialization out side of the capital city. Bakhrabad Gas Systems Ltd. was formed as a part of that plan.
The port city of Chittagong is the commercial capital city of Bangladesh. Due to expansion of industry and commercial customers and as a fuel increasing the demand of natural gas Bangladesh government took the positive initiative to build separate gas Distribution Company for better management and efficient customer service for grater Chittagong region.

Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Ltd. (KGDCL) was formed in February 2010 as a joint Stock Company (Under the Company’s Act 1913) of the Government of Bangladesh, with a view to distributing natural gas to greater Chittagong. The authorized capital was Taka 30 million only, divided into 30000 shares of Taka 10.00 each. 

The basic objective of the Company was to construct, own and operate natural gas distribution facilities in Chittagong & Chittagong Hill Tract districts with the right of purchasing, transmission, distribution, sales and disposal of natural gas.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Sundarban Gas

Last updated: 4 years ago

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Titas Gas

•    Marketing of indigenous natural gas to different categories of end users of natural gas within its franchise area through pipe lines;
•    Construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of pipe lines and gas stations for carrying out its gas marketing business.
•    Realization of gas sales revenue.
•    Ensuring efficient utilization of natural within its franchise area.
•    Enhancing the performance of human resources.

Last updated: 4 years ago

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